welcome to the home of kdcat!

Digital artist // project tinkererthis page is only appropriate for adults over the age of 18. DNI if you are a minor.all art unless listed otherwise is created by me.uk basedcommission status: OPENcontact:
@dancingcatte on twitter
[email protected]
patreon currently undergoing construction

Gallery 2024

Gallery 2023

Gallery 2022

Gallery 2024

Gallery 2023

Gallery 2022

Gallery 2021


Please check the galleries for a better idea of what you get for the price range!

Black and white

type price
bust (shoulders up)£30
full body (3/4's - full)£50
+ additional characters£10 to base price


type price
bust (shoulders up)£40
full body (3/4's - full)£60
+ additional characters£15 to base price
+ background (tentative)£5 to base price

Please read before commissioning

Hello, and thank you for taking the time to commission me! Please do feel to get in contact with me if you have any queries.Upon commissioning, please include in your e-mail/message the following:1. Your chosen piece (e.g Sketch, bust, 3 characters etc)2. A concise description of your character(s) including any reference images you may think are relevant as well as personality traits & character background, if you think they're necessary!
No paragraphs necessary, but the more information the better!
3. A description of what you want me to portray in the image. I am happy to undertake more complex images for larger pieces, but if I think that they are out of my ballpark I will be happy to discuss with you. I am also very open to trying to new things, and thank you for your continued patience.4. Upon accepting the commission, I will contact you! Payment is to be sent upfront via paypal or Ko-fi, but please do not send that payment until you have my confirmation - I will not start your piece until it is paid for.A further T.O.S will be published further down.-- --I will draw:
Ship art
Characters from pre-existing media (fan art)
Real people (WITH explicit permission. I will require proof.)
Light armour
NSFW inc all manner of kink based NSFW - Please contact me with queries if you are not sure!
Non-human characters
Light gore (Blood, cuts, scarring)
Body writing
-Please note that I am very open to learning new techniques and am still a learning artist, so I may be happy to draw things that I have not come across or attempted before! This is something I will discuss with you beforehand, so don't be afraid to ask!I will not draw:
Any underage characters.
I will not age up any characters for NSFW purposes.
Complex armour & weapons
Heavy gore
Any depiction of abusive behaviour
-- --T.O.S1. Full payment is due in advance. Please do not send this until I have confirmed your commission slot.2. Due to sickness, I keep specific working hours - Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 GMT. In the case of severe sickness, I will let you know if there will be any delays that will make it hard for me to keep in touch and/or contact you.3. The commissioner has 3 corrections during the sketch process and 2 smaller corrections (such as colour) during the final. Any other corrections will be subject to a monetary charge of £2 per. I stay in contact and provide as many updates as possible during my work, so please do not be afraid to let me know if you want me to change something!4. I do not accept refunds, especially in the case of finished pieces. Because of this, once I have accepted a commission, you will be shown a very basic, un-detailed sketch of your character before we get to work!5. Commissioned pieces are for personal use only. If used for commercial purposes, the final price will include a £10 additional charge.6. It is not permitted to sell, redraw, repost, modify, distribute or make merchandise of my work otherwise.7. Under no circumstances is my watermark to be removed. You are permitted to post the art where you please, but please ensure to credit me!8. I reserve the right to turn down any commissions.


Spread (3 card) price
past / present / futureAll readings £5
situation / obstacle / lesson 
embrace / accept / let go 
desire / obstacle / solution 
you / partner / relationship 
Spread price
RomanceAll readings £10
career spread 
past life 
spirit guide 
self love 
family tree 
Facing fears 
custom question and spread£15

OSMANTHUS RISING"His breath was hot against the side of my face. I could smell the scent of stale tobacco, cloying and thick. My hands were starting to numb, and I wanted to roll the pot in my hands to feel the burn. When I found my voice, it was weak and pitiful, like a mewling kitten."Based on the tale of one young womans life, set in the fictional realm of Eorzea. Read Part 1 & 2 on my patreon!

HOTEL BY THE SEA"That’s why they’re so hard to begin with. Death is permanent - there’s no peddling backwards, no way you can smash the book to pieces and demand you swallow all the words you just said and forget them so you can read them over and over again."!!!WIP!!!! (image found on pinterest)